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Pikkol Art Contest - Win Lego Toys worth Rs. 10,000

Pikkol Art Contest - Win Lego Toys worth Rs. 10,000

June 9th, 2015

It’s time for kids and Colors! ​ Undoubtedly, there’s no other joy as pleasant as watching your kid’s grow and learn. You wouldn’t want to miss any of such moments. And which is why, you got to grab one more opportunity to encourage and appreciate your child! It brings Pikkol an immense pleasure to give you this fun time with your kids. ​ Well, it gets even better. You can win LEGO TOYS worth Rs. 10,000 for your kids! Pikku Art Contest ​ Eligibility: Children below 12 years ​ What: Take a print of the truck given below and Color the truck. ​ How: Draw the free hand with any type of point, pastel, etc. ​ To participate parents can post the photo of their kids' drawings on our FB page, after liking the page www.facebook.com/pikkolapp ​ Let your children express themselves with strokes of colors!



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